I was born and raised in Cedar Falls, Iowa. I was introduced to coding in high school participating in the tech team my
mother taught. At Iowa State University, I realized how much of an impact programming has on society, and how it could change lives including my own. Ever since, I have had a passion for developing software. I began my full-time carrer as a developer at Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, Missouri in 2019. I specifically worked on Cerner's implementation of HL7 FHIR. After that, I worked as a frontend developer at mySidewalk Inc., creating products to help community leaders understand and publish data regarding their communities. The next step in my tech journey lead me to Brightcove. It was here where I went from zero knowledge of video development to becoming an experienced contributor to the video community. At Brightcove, I contributed to both Brightcove's in-house video player as well as the open-source Video.js player that we depended on. Outside of programming, I am an avid Iowa State Cyclones and Green Bay Packers fan. I also love eating, music, camping, and finding new adventures with my friends.
Recent Work
Senior Software Engineer - Brightcove Inc.
Kansas City, MO
The first few months at Brightcove were quite challenging for me. I began my long journey of understanding the world of video players by floundering through technical documents. This process, as well as guidance from the other talented engineers, helped me become proficient in the concepts of streaming that are necessary to develop video players. In my time here, I used my skills to add countless improvements and new features to Video.js, one of the worlds most popular open-source video players. I also contributed to developing an SDK to allow video developers as much (or little) control of video playback as they would like. I am proud of my progress knowing that the video development space was once completely unknown to me.
Frontend Engineer - mySidewalk Inc.
Kansas City, MO
Starting at mySidewalk, I had not been front-end focused in quite some time. I was able to refine my JS skills, as well as learn many new ones. Included in these new skills are learning AngularJS and Angular, as well as many supplmental tools and libraries to help with data visualization. Focusing on graphs, maps, and files, I was able to become a well-rounded frontend developer. On top of these technical skills, I was able to hone my skills in making both technical and design decisions based on what was determined to bring a user value.
Software Engineer - Cerner Corporation
Kansas City, MO
As a full-time developer at Cerner, I took part in the development and enhancement of Cerner's Implementation of the HL7 FHIR APIs. This technology allows third-party developers to access medical data through simple and standardized HTTP requests. Developing this product allowed me to gain experience with such technologies as Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and others. Outside of development, I was a key factor in helping third-party developers learn how to use our product. Specifically, I was a major factor in ensuring that applications owned by the Department of Veteran's Affairs were able to access Cerner's medical data through our product.
Software Intern - Cerner Corporation
Kansas City, MO
As an intern at Cerner, I spent most of my summer working on the RePortal software. This is a web application that consultants use to enhance their experience of working with clients by making it easy to manage their data. I was coding in JavaScript, using tools such as React, Redux, SQL, Redis, and many others working on the full scale of the application.
Summer Development Intern - Buildertrend Inc.
Omaha, NE
I spent most of my summer with Buildertrend devloping full stack software in Javascript, C#, and SQL, focusing on the front end. There were a handful of projects I worked on, but I primarily focused on a program to display custom slides that contained company statistics. There was functionality to manage these slides that we created. I used KnockoutJS for a frontend framework, and used the .NET for backend code.
Ready, Set, Ball
This is a web application that allows people who want to participate in pickup sporting events to connect. Using Google Maps API and a few other technologies, users can connect via a map or by accounts and plan games. We used ReactJS for the frontend functionality for a component-based application. Go was the language used for the backend logic of the entire application. The database where the data was stored is MongoDB. I played a major role in the development of the front-end, especially the map and functionality, enhancing my skills in React.
No-Go is a Google Chrome Extension for productivity. In the extension, you can enter a URL, or a time period that will block the website during that period. We used html and JavaScript for the simple front end of the application and to communicate with our database. This gave me experience with the Chrome API and implementing third party API’s into my own projects. I worked with the Database management and some of the frontend.
Unity First-Person Game
In our free time, a friend and I atempted to make a small game using the Unity Game Engine. Although our falling tile game was never fully flushed out, we did create a functioning first person game, and learned a lot about 3D Graphical programming.
Get In Touch
Thank you for looking at my website and taking interest in what I do. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.